The educational journey that all students encounter is delivered through an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Classroom teachers access the Western Australian Curriculum, Curriculum Framework and ABLEWA within their everyday teaching and learning practices to ensure they provide the best education for each student in their class.
Students access English, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Science, Health and Physical Education, Social Competency and Technologies across the week, ensuring the teachers are delivering a well-rounded curriculum in a ‘hands on’ practical way.
In addition, the staff within the Primary Phase of Learning work closely with students’ key stakeholders, including families/carers, therapists, and other external providers to implement specialised programs and target objectives for the growth of the child. The staff cater for all needs of each child, ensuring aspects of individual therapy plans are implemented during the week.
The MESC primary campus follows the same school day timetable as co-located Manjimup Primary School allowing for integration at break and lunch times.